Are you ready to step more fully into the juicy, vibrant & radiant being you truly are?
Ruby May & Maegan-Melissa Honeybee warmly invite you on a nourishing weekend retreat – celebrating dance, meditation, supersonic music, ritual, ceremonial cacao and sensual massage within the powerful and magical field of a circle of women – and the potential for transformation through pleasure and playfulness!
In these modern times with over-filled schedules, facing the pressure to constantly achieve – better relationships, better sex, better bodies, better careers – it can be a challenge to create the time and space to nourish our bodies and spirits, to stay juicy and filled up on life, and in deep connection to ourselves.
When our daily life emphasises doing over being, thinking over feeling/sensing, giving to others over giving to ourselves, we can loose our balance and our ability to flow in alignment with life.
A vibrant woman is both tuned in to her heart, mind and spirit, and turned on by her dreams, her sensual body, and her unique place in this world. She is deeply connected to her playful expression, her wildness and her instinct. This potential lies in every woman, and life is beckoning us to allow this juicy, gentle power to awaken more and more inside ourselves, so that we can live more fulfilling lives: first (and most importantly) for ourselves, and then the world around us.
By taking the time to connect, replenish and restore, we discover that our sensuality and sexuality naturally start to emerge and express themselves as an extension of our core being, filling us with juiciness and creativity.
She is not the woman you know. Every moment of her life ,brings a change to her. A never ending transformation is occurring in her. Be courageous fear not her new becoming, for each new bloom will be more wonderous than the last. – Scott McLean
We will work with a number of different mediums and practices, including:
- Dance and authentic movement, as a path to reclaiming the body & creative expression.
- Somatic meditations to connect to the pelvis and the reservoir of energy stored here
- Tantric meditations to connect to our hearts & sexuality, supporting us to embrace our sexuality as a source of nourishment & power
- Ritual using the sacred plant medicine of raw Cacao, combined with sensual massage, to open our hearts and bodies
- Using different erotic archetypes to explore and embrace different facets of our sexual being
- Costume as a transformational shape-shifting tool
- Connecting to desire and exploring desire as a ‘spiritual’ path
- Working with the circle as a way of harnessing our collective wisdom and speaking our truth
This weekend will also give you a unique opportunity to reflect on where conditioning and shame may be holding you back and to discover and practise embodying what authentic sexual and sensual expression is to YOU, with the support of the circle.
The time is ripe for us as women to honour that saying YES to ourselves in our entirety, is a critical part of stepping into our power. In creating a circle of women, we are re-claiming a very ancient practice of allowance, acceptance and celebration of one another, and all that we are (not just the pretty, polite parts). We will allow ourselves to be mirrors for one another, and our intention is to elevate one another into allowing ourselves to be nothing else BUT ourselves: with our shiny-strengths together with our insecurities and vulnerabilities.
This retreat is for EVERY woman (TRANS WOMEN ARE VERY WELCOME TOO!) that wants to take the brave and joyful step into reclaiming her full-self, no matter her past, no matter her life-experiences.
During this experience, you are invited to honour wherever you are at and expand your boundaries at your own pace. Together we create a space of ‘permission’ rather than ‘pushing’ where every woman is celebrated for her unique presence and the gifts she brings.
Ruby and Maegan Melissa have been working with the sacred plant medicine of Cacao over the past 18 months, which has been a powerful ally and catalyst in our own personal journeys and are delighted to include working with this medicine as part of our retreat.
Ceremonial raw cacao (Theobroma cacao — “Food of the Gods”) is an extremely gentle, loving, high-vibrational plant that has been used in ritual context for thousands of years as sacred plant medicine. The deva of Cacao (the consciousness and spirit behind the form) assists us in deepening our connection with ourselves, with opening the heart, allowing in the abundance of beauty that life and mama earth have to offer. It supports self-awareness, so that we can become conscious of and clear patterns or blocks that prevent us from enjoying our lives in our full potential, and from giving and receiving love freely. Cacao opens pathways to creativity and inspiration, and can be a catalyst for more joy and life-energy, lovingly aiding us in opening & healing, so life can fully flow through us.
Friday 19:00 – 22:00
Saturday 10:00 – 22:00
Sunday 10:00 – 17:00
Cost & Details:
Berlin: sliding scale (depending on what you can afford): 170 / 190 / 210 EUR
and email donna@alchemy-eros.com
*If you cancel up to July 1st, you will receive 50 euros back, otherwise you will lose your deposit.
There are a limited number of rooms connected to Eden Studios that you can reserve to sleep in. Please email them at rooms@dock11-berlin.de to enquire.
Ruby May is an edge-dwelling, truth-seeking creative visionary, whose passion is to work with ritual and magical spaces which support us to experience ourselves ‘beyond our imagination’. In ten years working with sexuality & authentic expression, she has been a burlesque & fetish fashion designer, a sexological bodyworker, Tantric Domina, intimacy coach and workshop facilitator, giving workshops on the themes of conscious sexuality in cities all over the world, and empowering people to embody & express their truth. Her love affair with cacao as a sacred plant medicine, continues to strengthen her commitment to exploring and working with the field of spiritual ecology and healing our relationship to life. www.alchemy-eros.com, www.rEvolution-Elsewhere.com
Maegan Melissa Honeybee Gorbett is a Berlin-based girly-goddess-work-in-prog