I am my own permission-granter

I am my own permission-granter

When combined with our heart and our awareness we can use our sexuality for its highest purpose: embracing, feeling deeply connected to and riding the very crest of life's creative expression through us. Allowing our lust for and communion with life. But how to allow...

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The world doesn’t need more power

The world doesn’t need more power

Women who say yes to themselves as sovereign, sexual beings are powerful creatures. And that is a scary thing for us in a world with a paradigm of scarcity and 'power over', in which someone having power, generally means it's both taken away from someone else and also...

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Empathy is my super power

Empathy is my super power

The deeper I go into my menstrual cycle awareness, the more I sense that those last few days before bleeding are such an important and precious time for feeling. Whether it's emotions that I've managed to gloss over or suppress the month before, or whether it's...

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Eros & Earth

Eros & Earth

What if you paused for a moment... and remembered the soft animal of your body as an extension of the earth. What if you took a breath and sensed your capacity for the exquisite: the simple, sensual communing with life. Is there a pleasure in belonging to her? Of...

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Why befriend our sexuality?

Why befriend our sexuality?

  Why bother making friends with our sexuality? Why lift the lid on pandoras box when it can make us feel such discomfort or fear? Perhaps we feel like we'd rather keep the lid on: after all it's only sex. My extensive personal enquiry around sexuality has...

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On being held…

On being held…

  One of our first experiences of being alive, of incarnating into the physical realm inside our mothers wombs is being held. I believe we still have this blueprint in our bodies: we hold the cellular memory of being held. Life is a matrix of multiple layers of...

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On the fear of being abandoned…

On the fear of being abandoned…

You know that thing - where your neediness drives someone else away or vice versa? The more you feel someone's neediness, the more claustrophobic you feel - or the other way around: the more you feel someone's avoidance of intimacy with you, the more needy you feel....

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“All I want is to be loved”

“All I want is to be loved”

So hungry have we been for permission to be wild and free after the shaming and miserable confines of conditioning around our sexuality, that a new industry of 'sex-positive' gatherings, festivals and workshops is booming... a plethora of options available to those...

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On transcending victim/perpetrator dynamics

On transcending victim/perpetrator dynamics

I know it's a tremendously complex issue. And perhaps I'd do better to stay clear of it, rather than stirring up shit storms... I just know that the current narrative we have isn't working and it's time to create a new one. This is a conversation that needs to be had....

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Goddess or Slut? Artist or Narcissist? Creatrix of life or big-mouthed bore? Worthy of shaming or of reverence? Passionate activism or poor taste? Take your first thought and turn it around: what does it reveal about you? I bleed to make human life possible. My womb...

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