Drama is such an ugly word

Drama is such an ugly word

‘Drama’ is such an ugly word. Often spat rather than spoken in contemptuous and critical tones, it is a shaming accusation to receive. What I don’t think we realise is that the place where the need to describe something as ‘drama’ comes...
On Polyamory

On Polyamory

I have never spoken publicly about open relating and polyamory before….. Partially because I’ve been exploring my stance, and also because I was a little too overwhelmed by what I’ve experienced out in the world in people and communities and...
On surrendering to the initiation of crisis…

On surrendering to the initiation of crisis…

I’ve been reflecting on the need for surrendering to crisis both personally and globally, recently. The ‘trying to survive’ and ‘get on with life as normal’ does not serve us or life on this planet. My tendency in crisis when I’m...