Welcome to the Revolution

Led by the wisdom of our bodies 

Know Your Flow is currently in the process of being re-launched, thank you for your patience!

This is an invitation to explore living life in a radically different way, as you remember what it is to be deeply anchored into your own cyclical rhythms and inner guidance system.

It is a response to the increasingly urgent wake-up calls of our bodies and our planet, beckoning us to address our disconnect and begin listening to what is needed, in order to come into balance, harmony and experience ourselves as truly thriving.

The system we live is linear rather than cyclical, pushing us into constant doing and achieving and endless to-do lists, leading us to run on cortisol (fight or flight/stress hormone) and keeping us in survival mode, which is not sustainable or effective and often leads to feelings of burn out and depression. Our cultural narrative of separation and greed gives us a sense of never being or having enough and as a result our internal and external ecosystems are suffering.

 It’s time for change.

It’s time to start listening…

Know Your Flow is a 13 week online mentoring programme (soon to be re-launched), and a thriving international community of women* who are exploring their menstrual cycle as a key towards to reclaiming our sense of connection, well-being, fuelling our creativity and alignment with our sacred purpose in life.

* Not everyone who menstruates identifies as woman. 

Receive guided support to:

○ Develop your sensitivity and self-awareness and start to recognise the different qualities of each phase of your cycle.

○ Learn how to harness the superpowers and flow with the challenges of each phase. Master managing your energy levels – more balance, less burn out!

○ Develop a new relationship with your body, learn how to read her language and respond.  Address any challenging menstrual symptoms you have and learn how to work with them.

○ Experience how the cycle ‘works’ you and how listening to what is revealed offers you all the personal and spiritual growth you could want!

○ Develop a new repertoire of healthy self-care habits around your emotional resilience and well-being.

○ Join a growing global community of women who are using Menstrual Cycle Awareness for  revolutionising their self-care and creativity, and manifesting soul-aligned visions, for the well-being of our planet!

Know Your Flow is not simply a course:  cycle awareness has become like a portal to a new way of perceiving, connecting, appreciating and living my life.

It also was not just 3 months of acquiring new information, but an initiation to a lifelong deepening of my kinship with myself and with the people and the world around me.

But the most important change for me is knowing that I’m not alone on this journey, but supported and witnessed in a very real and tangible way by a vibrant community of women walking, skipping, stumbling, crawling, dancing on this path right alongside me. 


You will receive:

○ A cycle chart to help you start your cycle tracking

○ An introduction video to get you started and 12 other videos – one per week, plus enquiries and exercises, carefully curated to give you the perfect amount of input without overwhelm!

○ A weekly reminder to watch your 10 – 15 min video – choose which video to watch, depending on where you are in your cycle. 

○ Access to weekly community calls – a chance to connect with the Know Your Flow community and share about your experience of life, through the lens of cycle awareness.

○ An exclusive monthly newsletter for Know Your Flow members on what’s happening in the world of Feminine Leadership & Cycle Awareness.

○ Access to the Circle: a community space to share with other members.

○ Playlists for each phase of your cycle.

Guided Meditations for each phase of your cycle.

○ An invitation to an annual in-person retreat, to meet and network with other members.


What you can expect:

The Basics:

○ Introduction to the daily practice of Cycle Tracking

○ In depth explanation of each phase

○ Read the signs of your body and learn how to work with challenges and symptoms that may show up

○ Use nutrition and food as medicine for supporting your cycle and optimal hormonal health

○ Simple rituals for creating a magical bleed

Getting to know the Feminine:

○ Access the archetypes of the maiden, mother, lover & priestess through the womb & utilizing their gifts

○ Master the two energetic currents of the Yin & Yang

○ Work with the archetypal Feminine wound of ‘not-enoughness’

○ Cultivate magnetism & flow rather than pushing & burn out

Cultivating Emotional Literacy:

○ Understand and navigate your inner critic

○ Learn to work with reactivity and how to hold yourself in your vulnerability

○ Practice to identify & ask for what you need

Embodied Activism:

○ Meet internalised oppression & move into connection and new ways of relating

○ Become a pioneer in uncovering collective cultural blindspots

○ Reclaim embodied ways of knowing and redefine ‘intelligence’. Strengthen your intuition and experience ‘being’ a body, rather than ‘having’ one.

○ Cultivate balance so that you can let that overflow into a world that desperately needs it!


○ Re-sensitize. Discover more depth and richness in the world around you.

○ Navigate cycle-related conflict in relationship

○ Develop healthy boundaries as compassionate self-care.

○ Explore your relationship to desire and learn how to use desire as a compass in life

○ Make peace with your need to rest and spend time simply being


○ Synch your projects, business and creative endeavours with your cycle for ultimate ease and flow

○ Use your cycle for soul-aligned manifestation

This is what I believe:

That the way forwards is through community.

That having a sense of belonging and being held is a human need.

And that in these pivotal times, we need community and collaboration to harness our collective creativity & intelligence.

This intention lies at the very foundation of Know Your Flow.

What I truly value about your work  – alongside the content and healing powers of the videos – are also your honest sharings  with us. It doesn‘t feel like you‘re positioning yourself high up on a pedestal, pretending you have it all figured out, which makes me feel like leadership and teaching can actually come from a place of love, ongoing growth, healing and mutual respect.


Know your Flow was life-changing  for me. It taught me to listen to my body and her wisdom instead of just optimising her to function.


Know Your Flow gave me an intimate new language I wasn’t speaking before, and connection with a tribe of women who speak this language. I received acknowledgment, validation and new found joy for having a woman’s body; that bleeds, that creates, that contains, that is cyclical. I speak more with my body than I did before, I feel my womb more than ever!



I don’t have a regular cycle, can I still take part?

  • Yes, you are welcome to take part.  If you have a regular and average length cycle, it would mean that you’d be in a different season each week and watching the corresponding videos would take 13 weeks. As you choose when to watch each video though you can go at whatever pace or in whatever rhythm fits you.

I’m peri-menopausal, can I take part?

  • You are most welcome to take part if you feel the pull, however if your cycle is waning and irregular, you might not watch a different video each week that corresponds with each phase of your cycle, but you’ll still really benefit from the content though! Many women report that the process of getting to know their cycle is so important in order to transition well into Menopause!

I’m on the pill, can I take part?

  • If you’re on the pill, it means that you don’t have a real menstrual cycle, but you are still more than welcome to take part and use it as an opportunity to deepen the connection to yourself!


I have endometriosis / polycystic ovary syndrome / fibroids: will this program cure me?

  • While I’ve seen the practice of Menstrual Cycle Awareness support challenging hormonal conditions such as these, especially when combined with dietary changes, this program is no guarantee for transforming your condition, and is not a substitute for professional healthcare. If you come under the large percentage of women who are challenged by these conditions, you are still very welcome to take part.