Drama is such an ugly word
'Drama' is such an ugly word. Often spat rather than spoken in contemptuous and critical tones, it is a shaming accusation to receive. What I don't think we realise is that the place where the need to describe something as 'drama' comes from the same wound that...

On Polyamory
I have never spoken publicly about open relating and polyamory before..... Partially because I've been exploring my stance, and also because I was a little too overwhelmed by what I've experienced out in the world in people and communities and facilitators and...

I think I was a temple whore in a previous life…
I remember some years ago participating in a silent ritual at a sexuality-themed festival, where every few minutes I was facing another man and offering myself in service to his desires, without words (don't worry, I could say 'no' at any point!). There is...

On Medical Misogyny and Women’s Self-Responsibility
While anger is an appropriate and I believe needed response to the injustice of legislation that prevents rightful bodily autonomy, I'm reflecting on our self-responsibility, as women, in all things body-related. I'm reflecting on a bigger picture, our long...

On surrendering to the initiation of crisis…
I've been reflecting on the need for surrendering to crisis both personally and globally, recently. The 'trying to survive' and 'get on with life as normal' does not serve us or life on this planet. My tendency in crisis when I'm operating from my trauma response is...

On being a childless woman…
In this climate of fear and uncertainty, it is a strange time in the history of the world to even think about having children... or make any kind of long-term plan for that matter. As I approach my forties, and the timespan in which I am able to give birth to a child...

Menstruation Rituals
I don’t remember exactly when and how it shifted. How I changed from seeing my period as a monthly burden to bare - an uncomfortable consequence of having a female body that I found ways to manage, so that I could almost pretend it wasn’t happening - to something that...

Our Ideas about Activism are Outdated
First published by Ecohustler I used to think of ‘activists’ as being people ‘over there’, campaigning and fighting and….well, doing their activist thing, while I could gratefully admire them from the distance. I imagine many of us have felt this way. “At least...

On the shame of having needs…
Living in a world that idolises independence and not needing anything from anyone as 'strong', I think so many of us have grown up with a warped picture of having needs and we are stumbling around in the dark without realising it. I see from myself how a lot of what...

On ‘neediness’
It's so revealing about us collectively, that we have created this word in the English language: "needy". The word is so charged, so loaded with judgement. It's often used an as an insult: being 'needy' is the least cool, least attractive, least desirable way to be or...