Menstruation Rituals

Menstruation Rituals

I don’t remember exactly when and how it shifted. How I changed from seeing my period as a monthly burden to bare – an uncomfortable consequence of having a female body that I found ways to manage, so that I could almost pretend it wasn’t happening – to...
Our Ideas about Activism are Outdated

Our Ideas about Activism are Outdated

First published by Ecohustler I used to think of ‘activists’ as being people ‘over there’, campaigning and fighting and….well, doing their activist thing, while I could gratefully admire them from the distance. I imagine many of us have felt this way. “At least...
On the shame of having needs…

On the shame of having needs…

Living in a world that idolises independence and not needing anything from anyone as ‘strong’, I think so many of us have grown up with a warped picture of having needs and we are stumbling around in the dark without realising it. I see from myself how a...
On ‘neediness’

On ‘neediness’

It’s so revealing about us collectively, that we have created this word in the English language: “needy”. The word is so charged, so loaded with judgement. It’s often used an as an insult: being ‘needy’ is the least cool, least...
On love without attachment…

On love without attachment…

I’ve witnessed a lot of people talking about the importance of love without attachment – especially in neo tantra and polyamory scenes – and this is creating what I believe is a lot of spiritual bypassing, shame and misunderstanding. Let’s get...