Day 21

  After a peaceful few days, now in the full flow of my internal Autumn, today I awoke to a sense of deep irritability and tension within. I am acutely aware of tension in the field around me – the unspoken words, silent projections and triggers,...

Day 23

One of the qualities of the second half of our menstrual cycle, when we tip into the landscape of Autumn and Winter, is that our focus starts orientating again towards ourself, rather than the world around us. This is the time when we are invited to face ourselves, to...

Day 24

We all have an inner critic. That voice that torments us, that tells us we are not worthy, too much, not enough… The inner critic is often rampant on those days in our cycle where the glass feels half empty or everything just feels too much. Last month on day 24...

Day 1

So much has changed in this past year of my cycle enquiry. Not just in my attitude to my cycle and how I live accordingly, but there are some Really Big Changes, that I’ve kept kind of quiet about on here ;) I’ve gone through so many years of my bleed...

Day 1

So much has changed in this past year of my cycle enquiry. Not just in my attitude to my cycle and how I live accordingly, but there are some Really Big Changes, that I’ve kept kind of quiet about on here ;) I’ve gone through so many years of my bleed...